Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Day Alone, for Myself

I've been looking forward to KL Design Week, ended up i only had time to go on the last day, so i drove to the LRT station n took a train to Dang Wangi- had some idea of Caps Square from a map but when I walk from Dang Wangi I realise I don't have a clue where it is... closed my eyes n just pointed to a direction- guess I still got some goodluck charm left- found it! huhu... I made myway in n found the secret tents~~

luv the colourful tree branches?

I suddenly bumped into Lindsey & Lee at the tents, so we went to the Tappers cafe' for lunch- the food was nice ++it was pleasingly affortable- uhuhuhu... then up we go to the exhibitions :P

the cute bunny with everything fancy

expansive apple mari-mari from japan

Spent time leasuring through the exhibits and wondering if it's too late for me to take another degree for say in graphic design? aiyo.... bought some picture postcards and a handmand brooch- so cute. Then Lee had to go off to BB and Lindsey wanted to go to the national art gallery, so we went our separated ways- It started raining, I walked to Masjid Jamek station and took a train to Pasar Seni since I'm heading the Annex to see another part of the KLDW exhibition- I missed my schoolday lingering around CM after tuition... so I was heading there amuse to see how much CM has change- the shops are properly planned and divided by themes..

I walk through CM to Annex & head up- though I felt a bit lost since the gallery was so high up- the exhibition was short and sweet- uhuhu, I luv this particular artwork done by a pair of architects, on curtains- their idea on breaking the monotonous idea of having curtains at home, they came up with this folded canvas undulating 3D artwork :)

Next stop- Petaling Street- I walk through all the path in the bazaar area and ended up with another LeSportSac bag... can't resist- only cost me RM30-- thought I had a different kind of casual bag in my mind... uhhhhu... then I stop by my favourite flower shop and bought my self a bundle of XL red roses... I love them..feel so's so pretty

the red roses cheering up my grayscale room

Today,I'm feeling low, I'm in the state of having a fever or not- bit of temperature + so tired yet still not eligible for an MC....This is so torturinggggg....after work I needed some retail therapy... Tina entered kinokuniya & I followed to buy some mech pencil leads I came out with theseeeee

i've read some pages from shah's pdf book-

but it's just doesn't feel the same iron women? like the idea?
just "i feel her"

+ I add up a D+A mag

but I still bought the 0.7HB & 0.35HB leads...
+++ all the books are priced 25% less...

Did I do wrong?

It's not sinful to buy books right?

+ I need something to distract myself from thinking about

the "kecacingan syndrom"

& please la-- zentel won't cure this trapped feeling

I can't breath!! just felt like falling onto the floor & never get up again

read through the denial- YES!

fana sungguh my love life... loving people that don't know i exist


Unknown said...

jom backpacking trips in Malaysia. :D

ms.d said...

inthang dearie, next time,kalau awak nk pi petaling street or jalan2....ring me up okay!! nak join! i never been to petaling street...never been to Central Market...haihh banyak nyer tempat saya tak penah pegi...i so want to go!

inthang said...

jom backpack ke wedding shaliz in july...waikiki...

ms. D i did rang u that day :P
it's an honour- i'll setup a tour for u....uhuhuhuu

nurulbokhari said...

asha~~ never been to central market.. dowh~~ where r u from?? uluuuuuu kelang.. hahhahaha

missing you dearie intan ^_^