Tuesday, October 10, 2006

walk slow...

it's been 10 days, 4 hours of sleep a day & 16 hours a day in front of the monitor. yesterday was the final crit-"I didn't present..." so i don't know if my design have any major problems.. duh... I hope i'll be okay during portfolio... still have to work on the construction detail and services for the final submission- 16th oct.. have 6 days left to do the board... + research method, building tech & urban design assigments...
On the 4th we had a meeting with the HOD, the result is out... we got our part 1 accredited by lam.. but only for batch 2006,2007 & 2008....it doesn't appeal to me.. it's not fair! thinking on how hard our seniors strive for it during the accreditation and they didn't get part 1 or part 2. & we as the lab rats, our course outline have been change, our practical training will be during the short sem only (3 months instead of 6) & we'll be having another studio project... eik.... <>
pointsix had a small gathering on the 6th! a treat from our white collared friends! tq guys, we really appreciate it... miss ya all so much. matpa came with his new gf :) so cute- "bertambah ipar kiterang' heehee...
had a wonderful day... i guess the walk today will keep me smiling till portfolio... i think i'm such a liar, i have the tendency (spelling?) to hide my true feelings... is it a lie? is it wrong? am i sending the wrong signal allover? argh.... sangap....

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