Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Confession

i believe in faith
i believe everything happens for a reason

i always wonder why i am always so confused
but then, I'm confused because i wonder too much

should i let it be
should i make it be

i can't read your mind
please tell me, please

because of each smile
because of each look

each second i lost something
each second i am grateful Allah bless me with it

yet how to loose
if it is not even mine

although i kept thinking how unlucky i am in some things
i always remind myself that i have been bless in other things

i don't know how u see me
but i know how i see you

everytime i wonder if i am doing the right thing
i pray that Allah would show me the right path

I may take a longer route
I may divert a bit
But I really pray that I'll reach my destination

It may be hard
It may take time

I just hope
I'll be wiser
I'll be stronger
I'll be content

I pray that Allah will guide me
I pray that Allah will answer my prayers

intan ghazali
confession of confusion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not the matter to worry about now..