Sunday, September 03, 2006

Smelling lilies...

Ola~~~ what a joyous weekend! despite all the works i have to do for next friday crit, i've been time-wasting driving all over klang valley. Since my dad went to ulu slim forest to give some 4WD driving tutorials, its girl's weekend out!... heee.. & today i went food hunting with butet & adi.. I got bouquets of roses & & lilies + grad bear for as post-convo gifts- I also manage to persuade adi to buy the gorgeous black shirt for his company dinner. Try out OLDTOWN cafe in Jusco! the coffee just remind me of kopi kawe hai peng back in kemaman... it's been awhile since i've gone back, it was always awaited when my gramps was alive but now i'd feel like a stranger there..

My computer had PMS today... i guess.. so i can't do my work.. after some cleanup here & there it's getting better... might as well start working with the 3D again. Tomorrow i'm going back to campus, 3 days class free work- some people call it mid term break.. for me it's just an excuse not to have any interference to focus on my studiowork. I'm worried<>

+++ A tribute to MUTA+++
i've been whinning bout how 'sombong' Muta have been since sem 1 starts..
she wouldn't sleep in our studio like she always does
she won't come when i call
i've been seeing her less...
thought that it's because we've change studio
it was answered last week,
Muta died... i pick her up and put her in the hole we dug, under a tree..
Good bye muta...
guess she don't want us to miss her...
But Moorty, her successor is around..
Maybe i'd call her Muta jr>

I want to divert my heart calls or just put it on hold- I need work...i need work... i need work.. wait a minute... i have loads already... O.K.... let's work...da~~~

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