Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 3 : Skin owh skin ~ Please be nice

19th November is a wedding fiesta~~
My gals Aishah Dalila & Azhani are getting married!!
Morning - Aishah & Hady's Solemnization Ceremony
Noon - Azhani & Rashdan's Kenduri
Night - Aishah's Reception

I need my fine skin please~~

In my case, my time of the month skin I love the most~ while my PMS skin is just unbearable

To start a painting, you need a good canvas & the skin condition is the base for beautiful make up
maybe this can help~~

For me- there are two objective to make up : conceal impurities & enhance features

Will the egg white line help my skin? I'm using the U & T zone serum daily & just used the cleansing pad once, I'll use the 2nd set today, in my observation My nose is still whiteheads free
we'll see in a few days yeah ;)

Hopefully my skin would improve bye the weddings, want to look good in the pictures!
Blemishes~~ please go away!!

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